....You're off to great places!
You're off and away!"
Every parent wants what's best for their child and there are so many books, blogs, articles etc. on parenting, but what is the best way?? Personally, I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all approach. Not only are children different, but so are their parents, throw in different lifestyles, family structure and it's a crap shoot!
With two preschool age boys underfoot and another one on the way I am constantly evaluating the choices that I make, I continue to do what works and tweak the things that need improvement. As we await the arrival of our third child, I already know that I will breastfeed and the baby will sleep with us for the first 7-8months just like her brothers did. Since I became a mommy 5 years ago a lot of my views and ideas about parenting have changed and evolved. I haven't learned the best way to do things but I am learning what is best for us.
Below are some of the changes I have contemplated over the past couple months. Some things I have confidence we will be able to achieve and others I have already tossed because I know they just wouldn't work for us.
- Cloth diapers- My husband is not on board with this change but I am determined. I have been researching and am making the switch...plus cloth diapers are sooo cute!
-Homeschooling- This is something that Andy and I have discussed on numerous occasions. It is something I would love to do and I think the boys would benefit from it overall, I just don't think I would be able to provide them with the social interactions that I think are necessary. If I am not satisfied with Drew's first year of school I will revisit this, but for now come September he will have his lunch packed up, his boots tied tight, let's hope he don't get in a fight :)
-Our diet- I have watched way too many documentaries and read a ton of articles about food lately. It has really caused be to rethink what I feed my family. There are so many arguments for vegan, clean, whole, organic and so on. Food is such a big deal in our house, Andy and I love to eat and cook and eat some more. Some changes that I have made thus far are, more fruits and veggies, no/limited artificial sweeteners and since I haven't revamped our menu, I have just been paying more attention to all the extra ingredients in food and not buying those products. This summer I am planning on growing our own vegetables and canning. I think everyone can agree, the more veggies the better!
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