Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Snakes, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

In the past 4 years I have learned a few things about having boys.....

1. If there is mud around my boys will find it, play in it and more often than not lose a shoe in it.

2. Anything can be made into a fort. There are the usual, tables, blankets, couch cushions, and closets. Then there are the locations I never would have thought of, like inside my kitchen cabinets or in a dirt hole covered by an umbrella.

3. “To infinity and beyond” is commonly yelled throughout my house, usually followed by a crash or a thud. If it can be climbed, it will also be jumped off of.

4. It is not possible to clean my house with my kids awake. No matter what I do or what I provide for entertainment, chaos is always brewing in the room I just cleaned. Which brings me to my last lesson learned.

5. My toilets will never stay clean. This is my daily battle, and part of the reason I am putting off potty training my youngest. It doesn't matter how often I clean them, I walk into some sort of disaster at least once a day, it's almost like someone thought it would be fun to spray a hose all around my toilet!

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